Saturday, 22 March 2014


We are all aware of this mostly urban phenomenon. Apparently it wastes £1 Billion a year in energy. Are you annoyed by bright street lights, neighbour’s drives or front door powerful lights, and wonder why shops and offices leave their lights on whilst not in use? I am.

Some Councils are starting to take the issue seriously and environmentalists are demanding action, both in cities, and in the countryside. The night sky is getting harder to observe and more worryingly, it has been blamed for disturbing the migration of birds and the breeding patterns of nocturnal creatures.

Personally, I am really unhappy and concerned about this excess of light. Some will argue that we need it for security reasons. First, light everywhere actually encourage burglars by enabling them to navigate more easily at night. Second, it disturbs sleep patterns to such an extent that it has grave consequences on health and quality of life. I am getting more and more annoyed by people, councils and corporations who think they can impose their 24 hours a day lights on everybody else. Because you can afford it, does it make it right? It is wasteful, therefore concerns all of us. Selfishness, paranoia and simple disregard rule. What’s your view? For more information and facts about light pollution, click here:

In addition, with earlier, brighter mornings, occasional hospital stays, holiday accommodations, or on the move, I found myself wanting a simple and practical solution. I have created a collection of sleeping masks lined with light blocking material. They are perfect to catch forty winks and restful nights without worrying about not being able to fall asleep or being awakened by sunlight.
For a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, click here:


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